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Carmen Yulia Cruz – Puerto Rico Politician

We just learned that the official count of 64 hurricane Maria deaths in Puerto Rico was a bit low.  A study published 2 days ago in the New England Journal of Medicine, revises the human cost of this deadly storm. “According to the study, approximately 4,645 “excess deaths” occurred between September 20th, 2017 – the day Maria made landfall on Puerto Rico – and December 31st. That makes Maria the deadliest natural disaster to hit the U.S. in 100 years, with a mortality rate twice as high as Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005.”

Why this discrepancy? What is the motivation for suppressing a true accounting of the death toll? Here is a speculative answer:

And they are still dying. The new hurricane season begins tomorrow. To be sat out under tarps.

I spent my 60th birthday in Puerto Rico with the ones I love most. It was all orange sunsets, orange drinks, orange lilies in the carefully tended hotel garden and orange glow of the sun reflected on the plazas and the beaches. I had no clue about the history of the place and was in too festive a mood to really inquire.

I am making up for that now. I just started reading War against all Puerto Ricans  by Nelson Denis, a Harvard educated attorney, film maker and former member of the New York State Assembly representing the district of Harlem. The book explains how America took colonial control of Puerto Rico, a “liberation” that served corporate interests and fought any attempts at independence with state sponsored violence. It was recommended as a read that analyses how history repeats it self over and over again on the island, with shocking consequences that mainstream America continues to ignore.

The author has integrated multiple different sources to paint a picture of a brutal knock down of the national independence movement and imprisonment, torture and unresolved death of its leader, Pedro Albizu Campos. It is chilling to read. I have not yet gotten to the part where solutions are offered, just the announcement that obvious solutions are available but blocked by the U.S. I’ll keep you posted.

Below is a Democracy Now segment that speaks to the issues in a short and lucid discussion, the author among the panelists.

(Photographed lilies are Portland based, I lost all of my photographs from the Puerto Rico trip….)

There will be no obituaries for the ones who perished. We must honor their memory in other ways – perhaps by getting the vote out in November.


It was difficult to escape the glowing obituaries of Philip Roth who died this month at age 84. They were ubiquitous, one more fawning than the next. I started seeing red – pun of course intended, since Roth is a name derived from rot the German word for red. The name was often connected to places with smelters, feuerroth or fiery red.

Fiery he was, in his search of identity issues, his willingness to defy the Jewish Orthodoxy around loshon hora, the evil tongue, which prohibits not just spreading lies but telling truths about fellow Jews that might be harmful to them. As he himself put it:

“I had informed on the Jews. I had told the Gentiles what apparently it would otherwise have been possible to keep secret from them: that the perils of human nature afflict the members of our minority.” And indeed, in his novels he offered a psychogram of Jewish-American males in conflict with the WASP majority, with other minorities, particularly African Americans, and within the Jewish communities themselves, the struggle between generation.

Never was he more fiery though, than in the preoccupation with sexuality and the disrespect towards women whether they be mothers or wives or daughters or lovers.  Being called on that by serious writers, feminists, intellectuals or plain old readers seemed to fall on deaf ears and was met, if at all, with condescension and a buckling down to write the next ever more objectifying piece. The review below captures it well.

The Grapes of Roth

A panelist left the deliberations in protest when Roth was awarded the Man Booker prize in 2011, for brilliance across a lifetime work. For balance, here is a positive evaluation of his approach:

Roth was successful in bringing out the struggle for Jewish identity and ethics, and brilliant in describing a slice of history of second and third generation, secular East coast Jews being at once drawn to and repelled by assimilation. He sharply delineated the conflicted relationship between Jewish and Black communities, and the idea of having a man try to escape his racial fate as a Black person by assuming a Jewish identity, assuming that would free him of restrictions (and failing disastrously), was among his more interesting. But those accomplishments are undermined by that strain of narcissistic misogyny that weaves through every single novel, until the end.

Some say that we should beyond that because of his brilliance. Others say he just described the way the world is and thus holds a mirror to our eyes to stimulate improvement. I go with my gut: when I first read Portnoy’s complaints it was in translation.The German word is Beschwerden, a term that has double meaning. It means complaints but also ailments. After finishing the book all I could think was he has an ailment, indeed. A chip on the shoulder the size of New Jersey.

The gut feeling was borne out. His real life was a mirror of his protagonists’, in ways that make my skin crawl.

It will be interesting to see if his body of work survives and continues to get the acclaim visible in all the obituaries with the advent of younger, less sexist generations.





Tom Wolfe, journalist and author, wearer of white suits, died on May 14th.  (Photographs today in his honor therefor are white flowers. All, by the way, in bloom around late May, early June.)

He was probably unsurpassed in choosing some weird titles – just think back to his exploration of California car culture for Esquire– “There Goes (Varoom! Varoom!) That Kandy Kolored (Thphhhhhh!) Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby . . .” but is most widely known for his novel Bonfire of the Vanities, a book that dissected the culture and power structures of NYC.

Wolfe was a brilliant journalist writing non-fiction before he turned to novels – and went back to non-fiction writing (with limited success, later) in the last years of his life. One of the founders of New Journalism, adding literary writing to reporting, he explored different worlds and delivered detailed, funny, critical descriptions to us readers of Rolling Stone or other publications.  Here is a fitting obituary from the magazine he was so closely tied to.

I am posting two interviews with him today, one from 1975 about his assessment of the art world, obviously close to my heart as a topic, and one about his take on Darwin (one I could not disagree with more, since he doesn’t even get the facts straight.) The latter was done late in his life, and I find it fascinating how a non-scientist takes on one of the fundamental theories on which so much of our science is based.

What interests me in the man and the work, is this curiosity and insistence on learning, that he displayed across an insanely wide array of topics. Whether he got it right or not is secondary to me, given that a critical reader can form her own opinion. He was clever and funny, and actually an incredible informant for a European reading him before being immersed into American culture. Never mind his knack for fashion……



Ever read anything by Richard Powers? Even know the name? For someone like me whose research domaine is memory, who is deeply interested in music and who is probably more defined by “head than heart” (as he is often accused of) he is a favorite author.


I chanced into my first encounter with his work at the library: The Goldbug Variations in 1991, during a difficult pregnancy, a full teaching load and the demands of a lovely, temperamental toddler. Science with a science fiction slant, composed in the form of a Bach fugue, call and response through generations, rich with philosophical questions, fun literary and musical references – all a welcome focus and distraction. Burying my head in a book when life got overwhelming did the trick, once again.

I have been a fan ever since. I admire someone digging deep to learn new science and facts that he then weaves into his narratives; I am grateful for someone who is willing to write difficult books – which they undoubtedly are – in the age of beach reading. I can even take excursions into spirituality  –The Echo Maker (Memory, Ornithology!), Orféo (Music), Generosity (Gene manipulation)- when they come packaged within the larger philosophical issues of determinism. My enthusiasm, however, is not universally shared. He won prizes, yes, but a lot of the smart critics over the years have really torn into him, with snarky reviews found in the New Yorker and elsewhere.

And now he has a new book out, (84 holds in front of me at the Multnomah County Library….) that I can’t wait to read: The Overstory (Environmental issues anchored around trees.) Below is a NYT review by Barbara Ehrenreich that glows.

First I thought, maybe this time the review is positive since it is written by a woman – and Powers always struck me as a writer who could be a woman – but that speculation was shot down when I saw Tim Martin’s admiring review in The Independent.

James Wood from the New Yorker, some years back, judged the work to be too cerebral, focussed on larger issues rather than making the characters come alive for the reader. Does not strike me as true.


For reviewers looking at Orféo, a story about DNA research, Mahler and Messiaen, not necessarily in that order, the verdict was: too gooey! Did not strike me as true, either.

It seems that the Powers Problem — producing novels that are more head than heart — has here turned into its opposite.”

So: contradictions, unsolved.  I’ll report back on the new book once I get my hands on it.

No Hausfrau She.

I thought I’d end the week’s musing on reconciliation with something up-lifting.

The clip on top of today’s blog is an advertisement that displayed Melania Trump some years back with a duck voice as well as a duck with Melania’s voice. Or maybe it was a goose. That in itself is strange. Now consider that her husband mentioned this ad in front of the entire group of attendees at the Republican Party Retreat yesterday. Does reference to your wife the quaking fowl look like reconciliation in the middle of a strained marriage? In any event, I happily spend my time not only looking at idiotic things like this but, more importantly, visiting my friends’ events when they are showing their artistic output which provides just the right counter-balance.

And I am reconciled with the fact that that means the housework doesn’t get done, once again.  Thus the title for today’s blog. Although on second thought it fits Flotus as well…..

The two events I want to recommend to one and all are an upcoming reading by my friend Carl from his truly funny book: SLIDE!  With the longest subtitle anyone ever got away with –  read for yourself:

And yes, those are frogs on my new socks! The reading will be held here at Annie Bloom’s Books on February 8 at 7 p.m. Seats are limited so be there early.  

Carl is equal part stand-up comedian and politics aficionado, with a bit of radio talk show host thrown in and enough unusual hobbies that he is a welcome friend in our household. The reading should be quite interesting!

I also urge a visit to Augen Gallery. Henk Pander has a powerful exhibit there of recent drawings which are exquisite in their skill and quite transformative in their content. I took the photographs on the pre-show opening night before the crowds descended, with an i-phone, feeling that there was a stillness in the room that matched my emotional reactions to the works. No words needed. Henk’s Artist Talk is on February 10th at noon.

716 NW Davis
Portland, OR 97209
open Tuesday–Saturday 11:00–5:30
and by appointment
(503) 546-5056




Fleeting Years. Lasting Words.

The world lost an important voice this week. Ursula LeGuin died on Monday, age 88, after some months of ill health.

Today you could not open a newspaper or journal or relevant website without reading thoughtful obits, intensely varied and in their variety capturing the complexity of the author and the person – and all in awe of her.

I discovered LeGuin’s writings in the 1980s when I taught a psychology of women course at Lewis&Clark and came across a video where she expounded on issues of gender bias: in both directions. I still remember the students’ faces when after long discussions of women’s oppression she turned to the fact that young men have always been perceived to be the most expendable in any society and thus the perfect cannon fodder in wars throughout the ages. She saw the whole picture, not yielding just to please one side.

From then on I read her books with attention and pleasure, and not just her science fiction. Much of  her sharp, incisive observations and analysis first appeared in that genre – science fiction –  that many people unfortunately just shrug off as a literary category to be avoided. Her’s was political writing at its best, ignored by a public that often had stereotyped assumption about what science fiction literature is.

Of course she wrote in many genres, including poetry, and was also quite generous in her collaboration with other artists, be they photographers, writers or musicians. The numerous prizes and honors she won, the unconstrained admiration she received from her fellow writers, speak for themselves.

As much as her writings focused on “freedom from” oppression, bias, patriarchy, injustice and so on, I think her central theme was “freedom to” – in particular freedom to speak up, to act, to choose and create the kind of world you want to leave to the next generation.

Two years ago I attended a poetry reading at Broadway Books where she read some of her new poems. They resonated, among other things, because of their deep connection to a landscape which I count as particularly meaningful in my own little universe. I am attaching a poem that can be found in a book called OUT HERE, a contemplation on the Steens Mountain Landscape (with beyond gorgeous photography by Roger Dorband, a colleague who lives and works in Astoria.)

Check out his website:

She is in a different out there  now, with another way to be – or maybe relieved from ways of being, who knows. We are the poorer for it.

Here is her voice, set to the challenging and beautiful music by Eleanor Armer.

Photographs of the creatures and landscapes mentioned in the poem are all from the Steen Mountains.





Dust and other Particles of Consciousness

Here is Wednesday’s phrase: “He is deeply allusive … and fitfully allegorical, but he seems drawn first and formost to emotional complication, to the pulses of our thinking.

I wish these words described my art. They are, however, about a remarkable author. In a rare confluence of opinions every person in our household liked the same trilogy some 15 years ago: His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, who is of course the subject of the remarks above. The trilogy was an astounding feat of writing that combined straight forward story telling with elements of adventure tales, coming-of-age novels, Bildungsroman and Science Fiction; more importantly, it had enough ideas to keep children and adults on their toes, trying to understand what these books were about, how they placed in the canon of literature with their endless allusions and references, and how to understand them in the context of what is currently happening in the real world.

It didn’t hurt that the main opponents in the story recruited their armies from the religious Right (bordering on the Inquisition) and Science, respectively, with a few undecided characters thrown in. By now there are probably dissertations written on these books, but here is a good review of the early trilogy and the author – for those who have lived under a rock, being left out of the Pullman craze.

The reason all this comes up is the fact that I have sacrificed my beloved sleep to devour Pullman’s new book La Belle Sauvage (hello, Rousseau),the first in another trilogy, The Book of Dust, that was just published. I am obviously not the only one interested: reviews are in from the NYT, VOX, The Independent, The Guardian, NPR, WaPo, but also the Wall Street Journal and The New Statesman, to name a few. I found the last one particularly illuminating.

Details of plot and discussion of deeper meanings can be found there. In a nutshell, anti-science, oppressive religious fanaticism plays a leading role, but also the possibility that scientific overreach leads to potential catastrophe. Our manipulation of nature is shown to have dire consequences, and our ecological survival might depend on resistance.Particles of dust spreading consciousness play a role. All written in simple words that children understand and cherish.

I do want to offer one of my own observations, though. In the parallel world of those epic tales, set in the familiar surrounds of Great Britain, humans have an extension of themselves, their soul, whatever. These daemons, animal alter egos with whom you can talk and who never leave your side, can shift shape long into puberty. So the daemon of a 12 year-old might one minute be a bird, then a mouse, then a cheetah, whatever mood and environmental task requires, you get the idea. With the onset of adulthood they become fixed and settle into a form that bears an (often witty) resemblance to their owner.

What a concept – an externalized version of Self, eternally attached to you, so you are never alone, and communicating with the world, when you are disinclined to do so directly. I find most interesting, however, the ideas of shifting Selves before maturity. You can try on different personae all you want, you can reinvent yourself by the minute, you can explore what fits and what doesn’t, as we probably all did in one fashion or another in our younger years. And then it’s gone, you’re stuck.

I believe, that truly great artists, in all fields, somehow managed to maintain a shape shifting mode represented in their own daemons, their Selves’ extensions known as works of art. Somehow an experimental mode, a curiosity for alter egos, a drive to invent new expressions of Self escaped the petrifying powers of maturity and enabled ever changing externalization of their consciousness.

Pullman’s new trilogy is set in the same geographic location, with many of the same characters playing a role, just a decade or so earlier. When asked if it was a prequel, he dryly commented, “No, it’s an equel.” That alone should make you curious about the book!

Poem for today is Paul Celan’s Psalm referencing another kind of dust.

Read in German, English translation below.

Books about and by women artists

Lesendes Mädchen (1828) Gustav Adolph Henning

A dear friend gave me a German magazine that is devoted to books – a special edition that dealt with women and literature. The photographs of paintings of reading women are taken from it. It made me think about artists and literature and so I thought I’ll recommend some books about fictional artists and some by real artists that were impressive enough that I remember them.

The one that moved me most is A Blazing World (2014) by Siri Hustvedt. Her protagonist deals with issues of aging and trying to make it as a woman in a male-dominated art world. She resolves to take her revenge, in a way that exerts an incredible emotional toll. My admiration for the novel can be traced to the fact that it brilliantly describes suffering, but then balances it out with hope, all the while challenging you intellectually to rethink all the issues of gender wars, specifically located in the arts.

Junge Frau mit Buch (1934)  Alexander Deineka

Virginia Woolf’s classic To the Lighthouse (1927) is probably one we all read as teenagers when trying to find our role in the emergent feminist movement. Her heroine Lily Briscoe struggles with the notions that women can neither paint nor write.

Hotel Room (1931) Edward Hopper

I am also a devoted fan of Margaret Atwood. Her novel Cats Eye (1989) describes an artist’s attempt to sublimate unsavory or painful memories by including them in her paintings. I actually did not enjoy reading that book, several of the issues being too close to home, but I could not forget it.

Lesendes Mädchen (1851) Franz Eybl

Both Possession (1990) and The Children’s Book (2009) by A.S.Byatt contain vividly drawn realizations of artists – poets and writers. The novels are really about the layers of various social interactions and the way secrets can shape lives; both are deep, fascinating and not exactly beach reading.

The two books by female artists that made an impact were Boundaries (2000) by Maya Ying Lin and Hold Still (2015) by Sally Mann.  The former describes the creative processes used for her designs, the most famous of which is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.  The latter is an autobiography by the controversial photographer. Her thoughts on the possibility that taking photographs destroys memory resonate with every photographer I know.

Elegant Women in a Library (no date) Edouard Gelhay

And last but not least there is Emma Reyes. The link below gives you the details.  Happy reading in the rainy days ahead!

If reading is not your thing, here is a fascinating slideshow….

Jove Decadent (1899)  Ramon Casa i Carbó

Der Untertan

Beware of the mother who gives her non-German speaking child the middle name of Heinrich. Never mind, that it runs in the family, and that it was the name of the few German authors who truly stood against the menace of their times: Heinrich Heine and Heinrich Mann. Who would want to live with a name one can hardly pronounce?

Heinrich Mann is one of my favorite authors; he managed to turn his opposition to German nationalistic outrage against democratic values, liberalism and rational thinking into artful satire. His seminal novel, The Loyal Subject, was written between 1906 and 1914, skewering the Wilhelmian epoch and presaging the rise of an authoritarian state. That title, by the way, is one of many translations for the same book.

Mann himself joked that “every time the Germans loose a war, they publish my book.” And the English titles were echoing the Zeitgeist: The Patrioteer (1921), Little Superman (1945), Man of Straw (1947, 1972, 1984) – sort of in tandem with the interest in nationalism, fascism and eventually the authoritarian personality.

(No wonder the book in full form was first published in Russia…)

The novel describes the rise of a small town parvenue who learns to love his emperor Wilhelm II, to outsmart the competition and destroy his liberal home environment in favor of rising nationalistic power. He himself is weak, but desires to be hard, brown nosing his superiors while mistreating those below. He adores and condones violence as long as he is not its victim, except for masochistic tendencies in the bedroom. He is the reincarnation of conformism. The book provided an early blueprint for Adorno’s authoritarian personality, but was more than that. Mann understood and conveyed the roles that capitalism and the ideology of German imperialism played in the destruction of enlightenment ideals. (Which is part of why Heinrich and Thomas Mann really didn’t get along…..)

Now, why am I bringing all this to your attention? Because for years I have been photographing what you see in today’s musings: ubiquitous, varied forms of Lieb Sein glued to or sprayed onto the walls of the cities. The literal translation is: Be nice.  And it could be seen as a playful instruction to increase peace in the world and diminish conflict. Or put some innocuous color into the world. However, every German child knows that the words “Sei lieb!” are the equivalent of “You better obey!” Are these stickers satire then, encouraging disobedience in sly form? I’ve yet to find out. Probably overthinking it, as per usual – yet for the political mind it rings slightly ominous.

The stickers do, regardless, remind me of the quote attributed to some old Prussian:

The loyal subject is forbidden to measure the actions of the authorities with the yardstick of the subject’s limited insight.

I guess I have limited insight into the meanings of graffiti, however I put any yardstick I want to my evaluation of governmental   action….. in Germany and anywhere else!


Here is a clip from the movie Tales of Hollywood where Alec Guiness plays Heinrich Mann.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Letters and Treatises

The last entry for this week’s proposed reading list suggests yet another topic tied to religion.

The first items of interest are about Muslim identity. The book review below covers a compilation of letters and a treatise on Muslim as Atheist.

Reading James Baldwin or Ta-Nehisi Coates we have probably all shared the stirring experience of an elder transmitting their insights, beliefs and warnings to a younger generation. Ghobash’s Letters to a Young Muslim follow that tradition and I look eagerly forward to reading it.

The second of Jabbar’s recommendations, The Atheist Muslim, sounds like a contradiction in terms. Pity the person who inhabits two of the more denigrated identities in this country, Muslim and Atheist…..

Then again, any journey from religion to reason – the subtitle of the book – is worth exploring. Which reminds me of the book of a dear friend and colleague of ours, a treatise which deserves attention.

Peter Steinberger’s The Problem with God – Why Atheists, True Believers, and even Agnostics must all be wrong certainly had my head spinning when I first read it.  I leave our dinner table conversations to your imagination…..


While I finish today’s writing I am, for the first time in 36 years, rueing the decision to have come to this country. The House vote on the ACA repeal has left me – literally – in tears. Maybe I need to write on issues of (a)morality next week. Or maybe on good places to move to. Or maybe I have to do something completely, utterly distracting from a politic landscape that gives me the shivers. I have the weekend to think about it……..