Were Rabbits

June 9, 2017 0 Comments

Our last installment of timely entertainment celebrates Great Britain. How can we not after last night’s glorious showing by Labour under a radical ‘nobody thought he could pull it off” leader?

For me a quintessential form of British humor has been the Wallace & Gromit film series.  As it turns out, Peter Sallis, giving voice to the main character in the movies, died this week at age 96. He had quite a ride. http://www.latimes.com/local/obituaries/la-me-peter-sallis-20170606-story.html

For your viewing pleasure here is one of my favorites, at full length, so save it for a rainy day when you are in desperate need for cheering up. It comes with my personal guarantee that it will ! And since we’re out of rabbits today, you’ll get some deer….

June 12, 2017



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