No Hausfrau She.

February 2, 2018 1 Comments

I thought I’d end the week’s musing on reconciliation with something up-lifting.

The clip on top of today’s blog is an advertisement that displayed Melania Trump some years back with a duck voice as well as a duck with Melania’s voice. Or maybe it was a goose. That in itself is strange. Now consider that her husband mentioned this ad in front of the entire group of attendees at the Republican Party Retreat yesterday. Does reference to your wife the quaking fowl look like reconciliation in the middle of a strained marriage? In any event, I happily spend my time not only looking at idiotic things like this but, more importantly, visiting my friends’ events when they are showing their artistic output which provides just the right counter-balance.

And I am reconciled with the fact that that means the housework doesn’t get done, once again.  Thus the title for today’s blog. Although on second thought it fits Flotus as well…..

The two events I want to recommend to one and all are an upcoming reading by my friend Carl from his truly funny book: SLIDE!  With the longest subtitle anyone ever got away with –  read for yourself:

And yes, those are frogs on my new socks! The reading will be held here at Annie Bloom’s Books on February 8 at 7 p.m. Seats are limited so be there early.  

Carl is equal part stand-up comedian and politics aficionado, with a bit of radio talk show host thrown in and enough unusual hobbies that he is a welcome friend in our household. The reading should be quite interesting!

I also urge a visit to Augen Gallery. Henk Pander has a powerful exhibit there of recent drawings which are exquisite in their skill and quite transformative in their content. I took the photographs on the pre-show opening night before the crowds descended, with an i-phone, feeling that there was a stillness in the room that matched my emotional reactions to the works. No words needed. Henk’s Artist Talk is on February 10th at noon.

716 NW Davis
Portland, OR 97209
open Tuesday–Saturday 11:00–5:30
and by appointment
(503) 546-5056




February 5, 2018

1 Comment

  1. Reply

    Carl Wolfsohn

    February 2, 2018

    Thank you, Friderike. And sorry it hampered your housework!


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