
October 3, 2016 1 Comments

1016-gq-fefw01-01-i-took-my-son-to-fashion-week-illo-2Today the door opens to a New Year, at least in the Jewish calendar. I decided to devote this week’s blog to passages, transitions, an odd assortment of things being in flux, rather than stuck! Speaking of being stuck (no longer): it looks like the notification for the daily post is working again, miracle of miracles…… welcome back!

Today’s passage story comes from no other than Michael Chabon, he of Cavalier&Clay and the Yiddish Policemen’s Union, among other prize winning books. His story is about his youngest son, whom he took to the Paris fashion week as a Bar Mitzvah present  (it helps if your Dad writes articles for sponsor GQ…). The young man is in the process of defining himself and trying to find his own tribe – and a knowledge about and love for design play an essential role. (Photo from the article.)

I react to accounts of parents writing about their children in great detail  with ambivalence, as I do looking at revealing portraits of children taken by their parents. There is a fascination and intimacy rarely matched, but would I like to be the later adult with so much of me made public?  I was thinking of that again when I read about the suicide of Sally Mann’s oldest son, Emmett, this June, after struggling with schizophrenia in his adulthood.

But back to passages into a realm of your own: just as a youth discovers fashion, so can we old ones discover style. My model here, in both meanings of the word, is Bridget Sojourner, 78 year old great grand mother who I am all ready to emulate (alas, I don’t have that hair….)–78-year-old-great-grandmother-turned-style-ic/

 images bridget-sojourner-1 Time to reinvent my closet in 5777….bridget-2-1

October 4, 2016

1 Comment

  1. Reply

    Martha Ullman West

    October 3, 2016

    Nice one, Friderike. Have to say however that Bridget Sojourner, who is the same age I am, makes me want to go buy a gray tweed suit, but as I was taught to say by a cultural anthropologist, “Different people have different tastes.” Don’t they just!


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