The Duty to Protest

June 12, 2020 3 Comments

Here the poem is read.

Want to guess when Protest was published? In 1914, in a book by Ella Wheeler Wilcox, titled Poems of Problems. (She was a prolific writer, there are also poems of experience, of passion, of courage, really books and books of poems in addition to numerous novels. She was quite a complex character worthy of closer examination, but I really don’t want to dilute the prescient words above with more information. Here you can read up on her if interested.

Images are from Fort Sumter in NC, where the Civil War started. How many people are hoping/scheming right now for its return or a new version under the guise of condemning protest?

Music today by a progressive British composer who died way too young, Cornelius Cardew. A short discussion of his brilliance, his politics and his demise can be found here. His reversal from someone at the highest echelons of classical music culture in Europe, a Wunderkind of sorts, to someone who wrote revolutionary songs that never caught on because they were too sophisticated in structure, is worthy of its own blog – maybe later this month. Who knows. The Thälmann from the title was a German revolutionary who twice ran for president to lose against Hindenburg, executed in Buchenwald by the Nazis.

And some contemporary form of musical protest from the Northwest Tap Connection in Seattle.

Let that rhythm and that message take you into the weekend.


  1. Reply

    Steve T.

    June 12, 2020

    This country has a very long way yet to go. I’m discouraged by our current politics, by the feeling that there are so many who would tread on others. This is a strange world.

  2. Reply

    Susan Wladaver-Morgan

    June 12, 2020

    This is one of your most powerful—the pictures, the poetry, the music. I’m sharing it not just with friends who are my contemporaries, but also with my son, with whom I’ve been having some intense political conversations. Thank you!

  3. Reply

    Marlana Rice

    June 12, 2020

    Thanks you for this poem and the pictures. Friends are upset with me at the age of 72 going out to protest (in Buffalo NY no less!) but how can I not protest? If not now, then when will it be the right time?!? Protesting is not easy … this poem and these pictures help me keep the faith! Thank you!


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