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The Bunny Museum

Hordes of Hares

This year Passover and Easter align again, bad timing for those of us who celebrate the former but like the easter eggs offered by the latter, restricted to chocolate covered Matzoh. Chag Sameach to all who celebrate Pesach. For the Easter crowd, though, I’ll deliver the hares, if you take care of the eggs!

Hordes of hares. What can I say. Multitudes, swarms, legions, abundance, profusions of rabbits rescued from the warren. 45.732 bunnies. Fortyfivethousandsevenhundredandthirtytwo of them. You read that right.

All kinds – pictures, sculptures, household objects, posters, pottery, pinball machines, toys, books, you name it, made from all kinds of materials, glass, wood, clay, metal, porcelain, paper, and, of course, plastic.

All delivered in a museum run by a couple, Candace Frazee and her “Honey Bunny” hubby Steve Lubanski who were motivated by the tenets of their religion – they are Swedenborgians – to share their plethora of all things bunny.

The Bunny Museum in Altadena, CA has made it into the Guinness World Record books, and clearly enticed writers to out-wit each other with using appropriate descriptors – here’s a favorite review, from a time when the museum founders still showed out of their home, rather than the new building they now occupy.

The museum is explicitly not intended for very young children, although they are welcome if supervised by an adult.

I had a blast, as you can imagine, at the self-described hoppiest place on earth, although I did miss out on the live exemplars, for some reasons being glued to my camera surveying the walls. Or maybe they were out delivering easter eggs to the rest of you!

And here comes music down the bunny trail…

Happy Easter!