
August 28, 2023 1 Comments

My heart is moved by all I cannot save:
so much has been destroyed

I have to cast my lot with those
who age after age, perversely,

with no extraordinary power,
reconstitute the world.

Adrienne Rich The Dream of a Common Language (1978)

“I HAVE to do this: believe that there is the possibility of reconstitution. I have to be sure of the fact that there will always be those who are already engaged and can be joined, so no one has to go it alone.” Such were the thoughts on my hike last week, when assaulted by the heat and the views of so many oak trees either diseased, or dying, or dead.

The grasses will recover.

So will the wild blackberries, although the fruit dried on the wine, hard little balls of no use to perusing wildlife.

The trees, though, are suffering.

Eventually I made it to sturgeon lake, now just a puddle. Small California sunflowers lined the shores where there is usually water, a golden band screaming: beauty!

The herons and egrets joined the pelicans, some of them roosting in the trees behind the water.

A flock of Western sandpipers, really a murmuration, undulated as a cloud in the air, and looked like blossoms on a tree, in a particular spot. They were miraculous, shimmering, moving hard in the hot air. They are difficult to photograph and to detect, just look closely.

I had to sit down in a shady spot twice during a hike that I used to do briskly, without any sense of fatigue then. Yet, I am still hiking. I am still casting my lot with those who love nature and try to raise consciousness about the climate crisis. I still believe change is possible. And the birds still signal wonder.

Music today is the same mix of sadness and resilience that colored this week – from Poland with decidedly Jewish melodies perfect for the upcoming High Holidays, I’ve been listening intently.


1 Comment

  1. Reply

    Sara Lee Silberman

    August 28, 2023

    Alarming photos. Alarming implications of the conditions illustrated. We are seeing some dead trees – one an especially beautiful one – on our property in the East, too. Victims, we are told by the gardener, of last year’s drought. This summer we literally have not had to water our small gardens once since our early June planting….


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