Sound: seen and felt

July 21, 2017 2 Comments

When I taught Perception to undergraduate and graduate students it was often like pulling teeth.  Most had signed up for psychology assuming it would be soft on the science end and long on the “let me understand what makes me and others tick” dimension. Not many were interested in learning the admittedly hard details of how our visual and auditory systems function, and the minute they realized that physics, chemistry and biology were involved, as well as some aspects of neuroscience, panic set in.

I am exaggerating, but only a little. To keep them going I often had to add something that augmented the physiological details by some human interest story or some such. We watched a lot of movies …. we looked at a lot of fun illusions; we discussed the implications for hearing families with deaf children to learn ALS or providing cochlear implants. We talked about the psychological consequences for blind people of regaining vision (you’d be surprised, it does not make them happy.)

The links I am attaching today are just such material – one is simply a demonstration from one of those Dance TV shows that people who are deaf can dance as IF they hear the music.

The others are more scientific: one describes a suit that allows deaf people to experience music. The other explores how augmentation with soundscapes allows blind people to recognize familiar objects. “The augmented reality system allowed blind people to accurately classify 78 percent of objects they were presented in one of three groups: people, everyday objects, or textured patterns. Moreover, the soundscapes emitted by the system also portrayed information about a person’s position, for example, among other details.”

All are interesting and would have been fair game in class – whatever it takes to stimulate interest and helps to overcome fear of science.

A Wireless Vibration Suit Helps the Deaf “Feel” Music

And so we close this week on sound – you heard all about it…..


  1. Reply


    July 21, 2017

    “Perception” sounds like an engaging class … and very much like a segment of Art Appreciation I used to teach called “Perceptional Awareness” … although I veered the students more toward “know thyself”. One cannot really appreciate art if one doesn’t understand oneself. I often thought that it would be valuable to do a study on this topic using only art collectors as subjects.

    • Reply

      July 21, 2017

      Now there’s an idea! I’d include museum curators as well….


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