It’s a Distortion.

February 23, 2018 1 Comments

Objects reflected in water are one of the most (over)photographed subjects I can think of. What makes some of those images interesting is the slight distortion of the reflected scene – like a visual echo, fainter, disrupted just like the auditory ones.

The water must be reasonably still for reflection to work, and so it is no surprise that its reflective surface reminds me of glass.

Glass Blowing is an ancient art, believed to be first found in 1600 BC among the Phoenicians (who were in due course not allowed to travel if they knew the secrets of the art, for fear they would reveal them to potential competitors. Which they, if they escaped, unhesitatingly did….)  Here’s a short  historical overview.




I selected three women glass artists because I have mostly come across men in the profession; glass blowing is arduous and not particularly good for your health; given the clannish approach (not just for the Middle Eastern realms) it is no wonder that women emerged relatively late on the scene.


But they sure bring their own aesthetic, as you can see in the work below. The first two take their inspiration visibly from nature; the last one, from Japan, has a more indirect approach.




Wind & Water


I thought I would use both landscape and cityscape reflections to show the range; the latter are more glass inspired simply because of the vibrant colors; but I think the former are the ones that echo in the soul. Well, mine.



February 26, 2018

1 Comment

  1. Reply

    Sara Lee

    February 23, 2018

    Enjoyed the pics. One of my favorite things about my current location is, when I walk the OC path on sunny spring and summer mornings, seeing the reflection of trees in the water. Very peaceful and very beautiful!


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