
May 18, 2017 3 Comments

Ardeidae is the family name of those long legged waterbirds: herons, egrets and bitterns. Herons are beautiful birds. They come in different colors and sizes but all have amazing plumage. Their movements are elegant, on land and in flight, with an economy to their motion, an ease and fluidity. When the light hits just right they are almost iridescent. And they are pretty peaceful, quite unflappable.

To wit, here’s an encounter I photographed last week while standing on a shaded bridge in the woods.  The red-winged blackbird was sitting on the log, probably close to the reeds where his mate is nesting. When the heron decided to join him, the blackbird wouldn’t have it. He flew wildly around, eventually pecking at the heron, then in exasperation sitting next to him for a while as if he could prevent him to move. Eventually the heron gave up and stepped into the pond, searching for lunch.




Unfazed, as I said. Regal in their indifference. Beautiful.



Except when they open their mouth, or their beak, as the case may be.

Taken in the evening, low light made it hazy…..

Have you ever heard a heron’s voice? It is as ugly as their appearance is pretty. Squawks of such shrill and loud discordance will want you to cover your ears if you are close by. The mismatch between what you expect to hear and what fills your hearing reminded me of this.  Enjoy!


  1. Reply

    Steve Tilden

    May 18, 2017

    They are beautiful! I watch the birds around my little back garden all the time. Graceful, masterful, superb in their element.

  2. Reply

    Paul Meyer

    May 18, 2017

    Absolutely beautiful😄

  3. Reply

    Martha Ullman West

    May 18, 2017

    Very beautiful photos, which do absolute justice to these gorgeous birds. Years ago I was inspired to write a haiku by the sight of one feeding along Puget Sound, seen from the train going south from Seattle, and no I have no idea what I did with it.


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