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Columbia Riverkeeper

Hanford Journey 2022

WE LIVE IN AN ERA where the necessity to decarbonize the world’s energy has become quite clear, even if the oil and gas-based industries fight tooth and nail against abandoning fossil fuels. To mitigate a climate catastrophe, we need to turn to other, sustainable modes for generating the energy that we need. Renewable energy, solar and wind sources, might be our best alternative, but they are facing enormous obstacles, political resistance by the fossil fuel monopoly being one of them. But they also are linked to very high installation costs, a lack of infrastructure, particularly adequately sized power storage systems. Electricity generation from natural sources does not necessarily happen during the peak electricity demand hours and given the volatility in generation as well as load, storage is a huge, but expensive component. Lack of policies, incentives and regulations have not exactly encouraged investment into these alternative sources either.

No surprise then, that we hear renewed calls for nuclear power as a reliable, “clean” source for energy, often accompanied by the promise that the old days of large, risky plants and unsolved storage problems of radioactive waste are gone.

As if.

I attended this year’s Hanford Journey, a day focused on environmental clean-up. Hanford was an integral part of the Manhattan Project which produced plutonium for the first atomic bombs dropped in Nagasaki and released massive toxins into the ground and Columbia river where it operated. The event, sponsored by Columbia Riverkeeper and Yakama Nation Environmental Restoration Waste Management (ERWM,) made abundantly clear that nuclear waste still presents a clear and present danger to our environment and the people who live near the rivers and polluted land. We don’t even have a handle on the current dangers, and yet people are advocating for increased use of nuclear power. Some are even claiming it is our ethical obligation to promote it as the only way to combat a climate catastrophe and promising that everything will be fine with the arrival – coming soon, if you invest in us! – of small modular reactors.

I was visiting as part of a film crew exploring the possibility of making a documentary film about the current state of nuclear power development. The interest in the topic had evolved straight out of our last films, Necessity (Oil, Water and Climate Resistance//Climate Justice and the Thin Green Line) which revealed the particular vulnerability of tribal nations to environmental pollutants. (An ArtsWatch review of the films by Marc Mohan can be found here.)

Both Hanford Journey sponsors were quite helpful in providing an opportunity for all of us to learn about the history of the clean-up efforts, view the site from boat, and talk to and hear from people who are involved in the struggle. The Yakama Nation ERWM program engages in oversight of this process and issues affecting Hanford Site natural resources. Their involvement includes participation in technical, project management, policy meetings on response and natural resource damage actions, as well as oversight of cultural resource compliance. The Columbia Riverkeeper’s mission is “to protect and restore the water quality of the Columbia River and all life connected to it, from the headwaters to the Pacific Ocean.” The organization uses legal advocacy and community organizing in numerous conservation efforts.

Map of the Hanford Site —- Simone Anter, Staff Attorney, Columbia Riverkeeper

IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL DAY, with a sense of purpose and hope delivered by multiple speakers, honoring the legacy of tribal environmental leader Russell Jim and promising to continue his mission of Hanford clean up to ensure the safety of future generations. Davis Washines, Government Relations Liaison, Yakama Nation and DNR Fisheries Resource Program for Superfund Section, talked about the history of the people indigenous to the region and their relationship with the river, the price they paid from the exposure to life-threatening pollutants and the governmental hesitancy to fully keep clean-up commitments.

Davis Washines, Government Relations Liaison, Yakama Nation and DNR Fisheries Resource Program for Superfund Section

Laura Watson, Director of the Washington Department of Ecology, evaluated how few resources are spent and how many more are needed. “The Hanford site is and remains one of the most contaminated sites in the world, and is probably the most complicated cleanup that’s ever been undertaken in human history.” Many more talked about what the situation meant for them and their families, past and present.

Kids were playing in the water, families and friends gathered for group pictures, lunch was served.

Puyallup Canoe Family

I met Ellia-Lee Jim who had been selected to be Miss ’22-’23 Yakama Nation, and chatted with Denise Reed, Puyallup and Quileutea cultural coordinator, who wore beautiful items she made with cedar weaving which she also teaches.

Ellia-Lee Jim

Denise Reed and her cedar woven hat and belt

Multiple nonprofit groups, including The Hanford Challenge and Heart of America Northwest, were on-site to educate and encourage us to become involved with ongoing advocacy efforts. A major issue right now, for example, is the Department of Energy’s attempt to reclassify high-level waste at the Hanford site to low-level waste which will allow cleanup shortcuts and unsafe disposal.

Brett VandenHeuvel, the soon-to-be-former Executive Director of the Columbia Riverkeeper (Lauren Goldberg will be his successor on August 1,) drove us from the Mattawa event site to the river, where boats, run by Tri-City Guide Service, took us out onto the Columbia and to the B reactor — one of nine plutonium reactors built at Hanford.  (There was also a hike out to White Bluffs and the Hanford Reach National Monument to view the H, DR, D and F plutonium reactors, which I had to miss.)

Archeologist and ERWM advocate Rose Ferri was our guide on the boat, helping to understand the history of the Hanford Reach, one of the few remaining stretches of river where chinook salmon spawn in significant numbers, a stretch of 51 mile, to be precise, the last remaining free-flowing portion of the 1,212 miles of the Columbia.

Rose Ferri

The National Monument contains an insane number of species overall – details can be found here – all of whom depend on being protected from toxic and radioactive pollution from the Hanford site. Because Hanford is off limits to visitors, the land has been undisturbed for years, a buffer zone between ecological disaster and agricultural industries, beautiful in its sparsity.

THE HANFORD NUCLEAR SITE has been operating since 1943, after the forced removal of the people who lived on the 580 square miles on which 9 reactors were built. 1855 treaty rights to use the land for fishing, hunting and gathering, signed by the Yakama Nation, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR), the Nez Perce Tribe, and the Wanapum, were often not honored. During the 40 years of plutonium production, cesium and iodine were generated, and chromium, nitrate, tritium, strontium-90, trichloroethene and uranium, among others, leaked into the soil and seeped into the groundwater.

There were some single-shell underground storage tanks for the most dangerous liquids, but the rest flowed freely. The last reactor was shut down in 1987. Clean-up began – theoretically – in 1989 when the U.S. Dept. of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, and Washington State signed a Tri-Party Agreement. Only in the year 2000 were 2,535 tons of irradiated nuclear fuel in the K Basin along the Columbia River transferred into dry storage. In the following years treatment and immobilization plants were constructed, but will only be fully operative in 2023 from last I heard. Weapons grade plutonium was transferred to South Carolina.

In 2013 we learned that the single-shell tanks leak, and 4 years later one of the PUREX tunnels containing highly radioactive waste partially collapses. Ignoring these warning signs of potential catastrophe, the U.S.Department of Energy decided on a new interpretation of which kind of waste requires most stringent storage requirements in 2019.

“…. “high-level nuclear waste” (HLW) under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA) that would exclude some dangerous waste traditionally considered HLW from stringent storage requirements. For over 50 years, the term HLW, as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (AEA) and the NWPA, required the disposal of this most toxic and radioactive waste in deep geologic formations to protect public health. Energy’s new interpretation opens the door for less robust cleanup and the possibility of more waste remaining at Hanford.” (Ref.)

The Tribes and their allies continue to fight for a comprehensive, fully funded, thorough clean-up. Events like Hanford Journey are one way of getting informations out into the public, and familiarizing those of us who are able to attend and experience the landscape, with the history and the scientific consequences of delayed or compromised action. I wish that information could be even more widely spread.


I DROVE BACK TO RICHLAND, WA, across the Vernita bridge ,

and passed by a long stretched mountain, Lalíík, or Rattlesnake Mountain, that I had just seen from a very different perspective. I had been told it was the tallest treeless mountain in the world, sacred to Tribes in the region. It is designated a Traditional Cultural Property (TCP), a property that “is eligible for inclusionn the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) based on its associations with the cultural practices, traditions, beliefs, lifeways, arts, crafts, or social institutions of a living community.“(Ref.) At least that sacred mountain had been cleaned up with funds from a 2010 Recovery Act.

The whole story concerning Hanford and the depth of its operational impact on the Tribes of the region can only be understood if you have a glimpse of what it implies for their culture, never mind their existential dependence on non-toxic fish. Is that incorporated into the narratives that are officially told? I was about to find out.


THE REACH MUSEUM in Richland, WA, is a beautiful new structure with a mission statement that asserts inclusivity. Open since 2014, it offers various exhibits, with a permanent one on the Manhattan Project and the Hanford enterprise among them.

The staff is super helpful and friendly, the grounds are gorgeous and represent the beauty of the region. You are greeted outside with lots of affirmative information about the “clean” source of power that is nuclear energy.

You are also immediately made aware by historic photographs of trailer parks (and a real trailer) during the peak employment years of Hanford, that the region benefitted economically during times of hardship due to work opportunities. Some 50.000 people arrived at this remote region, families included. Not a mention though, there, whether these opportunities of housing and work were available to the indigenous inhabitants who were driven from their land by the Manhattan project.

The website for the museum is richly informative and emphasizes a desire to tell stories from differential perspectives and acknowledges their Native American partners “who historically used this region—a gathering place of the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla, the Wanapum people, and the Nez Perce Tribe who cared for this land since time immemorial.

As far as I could see, one statement poster, in a gallery that, overall, lays out the developments, successes and trials of the Manhattan Project (Gallery 2,) speaks to tribal presence. Acknowledging expulsion, but not going into anything further.

The focus is on the war effort,

the feats of engineering,

and the impact on Cold War developments.

Overall, a well designed, informative exhibition with a combination of local and (inter)national historical information.

To their credit, some safety considerations are mentioned, however mostly regarding the workers in an environment that was experimental in its newness, with less attention to the continuing concerns. The printed and easily accessible materials in this room were quiet about the continuing poisonous legacy and unsolved problem of long-term nuclear waste storage, however, unless I missed something, which was of course entirely possible after a long, intense day.

What would Albert think?

If you check out the educational resources on their website, the topics of Shrub – Steppe and Geologic Past are fabulously covered. In detail, comprehensive, engaging. The topics of the Hanford Legacy and Columbia River Resources are announced to be coming soon. Given the centrality of those topics as well as the controversy attached to them, in some ways, I wondered why they have not yet been designed. Your guess is as good as mine.

I have no intention to diss a museum I rather liked. I am fully aware how hard it is, particularly during this pandemic, to keep small institutions alive, much less current. But my question about how information about the continual danger of toxic environments, long-term storage of radioactive waste and un-remediated injustice of treaty betrayals reaches the mainstream, remains. This is particularly important now that calls for renewed efforts and investments into nuclear energy are getting louder. It might, or might not be a solution to our energy woes – decisions have to be based on knowledge of all the facts, though. Columbia Riverkeeper and tribal ambassadors work hard and, undoubtedly, effectively in many regards to spread the word. It is time, that the rest of us follow suit.

Protecting the Region

21 years ago two environmental organizations, Columbia River United and Clean Water Columbia, joined hands to form the Columbia Riverkeeper. The organization’s goal is to protect clean water, defeat fossil fuel terminals, and engage those living along the Columbia River, with the help of rural and urban communities, tribal nations, local businesses, strong coalitions, and its members.

During this time they have been amazingly successful in accomplishing many of their goals. Their organizing, protesting and legal actions contributed to (and in some cases singularly generated) important outcomes benefitting the environment and our region’s people.

In 2011 Riverkeeper, with the leadership of Umatilla and other tribes, pushed Oregon to adopt the nation’s most protective limits on toxic pollution in fish.

In 2014 they helped to stop coal export when Oregon rejected a dock-building permit. Their law suit had the Army Corps agree to reduce toxic oil discharges from large dams.

In 2015 their actions led to a landmark Fossil Fuel Resolution being passed in PDX, the oil refinery plans in Longview, WA were exposed, and the Columbia estuary remained LNG-free.

Six years of engagement finally led to a defeat of the Millennium coal terminal in Longview, Washington in 2017.

And in a major victory after the derailment and subsequent fire of a crude oil-carrying train along the river in 2016, the Port of Vancouver voted to end Tesoro’s oil-by rail terminal lease and Washington Governor Jay Inslee rejected the proposal in 2018 (Tesoro sought to ship over 131 million barrels of oil per year down the Columbia River.)

2021 was a successful year for the Riverkeeper as well – they helped to ensure that the Millennium coal export terminal proposed in Longview, Washington, lost its rights to build along the Columbia. And their lobbying contributed to the Washington Department of Ecology’s denial of permits for a proposal to build the world’s largest fracked gas-to-methanol refinery, citing significant negative impacts on our climate and the Columbia River. (Northwest Innovation Works, the project backers, may appeal the decision.)

Columbia Riverkeeper, our members, and our allies have together defeated more than a dozen fossil fuel export proposals targeting the Columbia River. Collectively, we have prevented the fossil fuel industry from turning the Lower Columbia into a fossil fuel highway. In the process, we have helped fight climate change and forged lasting bonds of friendship, solidarity, and political will. ”  (Ref.)

What makes an organization so effective? I decided to look at a single project – the fight for cleanup of a toxic site near the Bonneville Dam, Bradford Island, to see if I could find some answers. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dumped toxic pollution in and along the Columbia River at Bradford Island for over 40 years, and resisted until now to be put on the Superfund List of the EPA that releases critical funds for waste removal. The resident fish show the highest pollution in the PCN.

Statistics from the Columbia Riverkeeper Website

After years of pushing from concerned citizens, tribal governments, activists, non-profit organizations and a few politicians, the EPA announced plans to list the site and a large adjacent section of the river to the nation’s toxic cleanup program in September 2021. That started a 60 day process of public comment collection which closed last week. Over 1600 people and seven organizations submitted comments in support for the Superfund listing.

The key to success lies in forming alliances, which the Riverkeeper has focussed on for 20 years of its existence. Below are just some who signed the letters pleading with politicians.

Among the most important allies are the tribal nations of the regions who bring knowledge and leadership to the protection of the land and river. In this particular case the Yakama Nation has led this fight for over a decade.

It helps to have smart legal council that pushed politicians and administrations and that communicates in clear and direct language so that complex issues can be grasped. In a region that counts many Spanish speaking folks it is also great to have bi-lingual messaging happen in both English and Spanish, distributed on youtube or soundcloud, mediums easily available to all.

Bonneville Dam

Having a website that makes every action transparent, delivers details and references (my source, certainly, of a lot of what I list) is a huge help. The site also links to other forms of education, in this case, for example, a webinar on Bradford Island issues. A good website provides overview over the history of the organization, step by step achievements for various projects, naming of all involved, calls to action with helpful details, anything that encourages readers to feel they are welcome and potentially of use in working for the shared goal of environmental projection. delivers on all of those fronts.

Involvement that goes deep into communities providing all kinds of solidarity and support in both directions. Interviews with tribal representatives and community organizers, or community forums allow all to speak and ask questions help to spread the word and increase involvement.

Fundraising, from artists who donate part of their sales to local coffee shop owners who provide freebies keeps the target in view.

And speaking of which, this Thursday, 11/18/2021, Columbia Riverkeeper is hosting a virtual screening and panel discussion fundraiser regarding a documentary film that, as my regular readers know, I’ve been involved with as production photographer: “Necessity Part II: Rails, Rivers & the Thin Green Line,” a film by Jan Haaken and Samantha Praus. I have reported previously on the documentary which depicts the regional struggle for environmental protection in Oregon Arts Watch here and my own blog here. Proceeds from the fundraiser go to the Columbia Riverkeeper and the documentary project.

Panelists include:

  • Jan Haaken, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Portland State University and documentary filmmaker
  • Cathy Sampson-Kruse, Waluulapum Band, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Associate Producer, and champion of the Thin Green Line movement. 
  • Direlle Calica, Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Director, Institute for Tribal Government, Portland State University
  • Lauren Regan, Executive Director and Senior Staff Attorney with Civil Liberties Defense Center 
  • Jan Zuckerman, Local activist, retired teacher, and a founder of the Environmental School

Here is the direct link that allows you to sign up, or just check it out, if only by watching the trailer. I photographed the agricultural efforts along the river once again last week. Maybe the images of orchards and vineyards encourage you to support, if you can, those who are fighting the good fight to have the region protected for future generations, a region for which a healthy Columbia is essential.

Fish in the river, fruit and grapes on land can flourish if we protect and fairly distribute water resources. Unfortunately that is often under dispute. Here is the latest conflict: a week ago the city council of The Dalles on the Columbia River, approved an agreement to deliver an undisclosed amount of groundwater to Google, which plans to build new data centers in the city. With the council’s unanimous vote, the tech giant has pushed through another key piece of its plan to expand its operation in the Columbia River Gorge. The residents were NOT happy, particularly since the amount of water to be secured has never been revealed, and is actively kept secret (including a threatened law suit about disclosure requirements.) The levels of water in people’s wells is already sinking, and no one knows what provisions were included in the contract to ameliorate the effects of further droughts. This is only a month after a huge package of tax breaks was voted upon in favor of Google. Dams, potential pollution and climate disasters, and now the sale of water to tech companies – protection of the river is more urgent than ever.

Music today from Indian Records Umatilla.